Babin Joshi

Python Generators

When builing up an iterator in Python, we have to do a lot of work like implementing a class with __iter__() and __next__() methods in a class, keep track of the internal states, and raise StopIter...

Python Iterators

In Python, iterators are object that can be iterated upon. For an object to be an iterator it must have two special methods: __iter__ and __next__. In Python, iterators are used extensively. Whil...

Python Operator Overloading

Built-in classes can be used with Python operators. However, the same operator responds differently to several types. For instance, the + operator will combine two lists, concatenate two strings, o...

Python Inheritance

By using inheritance, we may create classes that inherit all the features of their parent classes and allow us to add new ones. Inheritance in Python Inheritance in python refers to defining a new...

Python Object & Class 2

Constructors In Python Class functions that begin with double underscore __ are called special functions as they have special meaning. The __init__() method is of great significance. Every time a ...

Python Object & Class

Object Oriented Programming Python, a multi-paradigm programming language supports several coding techniques. Making objects is one of the common ways to tackle a programming language. This is know...

Built-in Data Structures, Functions and Files

Data Structures and Sequences Tuple A tuple is fixed-length, immutable sequence of Python objects. The easiest way to create one is with a comma-separated sequence of values tup = 4,5,6 tup Outp...

Introduction to Pandas

Getting Started with Pandas Pandas contains data structures and data manipulation tools designed to make data cleaning and analysis fast and easy in Python. While pandas adopts many coding idioms ...

5. Indexing and Aggregation Pipeline

Aggregation Framework The aggregation framework in its simplest form is just another way to query data in MongoDB. Everything we know how to do using the MongoDB query language (MQL) can also be do...

4. Advanced CRUD Operations

MQL Operators Update Operators: Example: $inc, $set, $unset These update operators enable us to modify data in the database. Query Operators: Query Operators provides additi...

3. Creating and Manipulating Documents

Inserting New Documents Every MongoDB document must have unique _id value. ANd every _id field in a collection must have a unique value from the rest of the documents in the collection. Likewise, ...

2. Importing, Exporting, and Querying Data

How Does MongoDB Store Data? MongoDB uses documents to store data. When we view or update documents in the MongoDB shell, you’re working in JSON which stands for ‘JavaScript Standard Object Notati...

1. What is MongoDB?

What is a MongoDB Database? A database, meaning a structured way to store and access data. More specifically, it is a NoSQL database. NoSQL databases mean that it doesn’t use the traditional appro...

SQL Cheatsheet

Pulling data from databases

sql2csv : documentation sql2csv: executes an SQL query on a large variety of SQL databases (e.g. MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sqlite) outputs the result to a CSV ...

Getting started with csvkit

What is csvkit? csvkit: is a suite of command-line tools is developed in Python by Wireservice offers data processing and cleaning capabilities on CSV files ...

Downloading data using curl

What is curl? curl: is short for Client for URLs is a Unix command line tool transfer data to and from a server is used to download data from HTTP(S) sites ...

Basic functions in Bash

IF statements

Basic variables in Bash

Assigning Variables Similar to other languages, you can assign variables with the equal notation. var1='Moon; Then reference with $ notation. echo $var R...

Introduction to Bash Scripting

Why Bash Scripting? (Bash) Bash stands for ‘Bourne Again Shell’ Developed in the 80’s but a very popular shell today. Default in many Unix systems, Macs AWS, Google, ...

Deleting and Altering Triggers

Deleting Table and View Triggers DROP TRIGGER PreventNewDiscounts; Deleting Database Triggers DROP TRIGGER PreventNewDiscounts; DROP TRIGGER Preven...

Known Limitations of Triggers

Advantages of Triggers Used for database integrity Enforece business rules directly in the database Control on which statements are allowed in a database Implem...

AFTER triggers

Definition and properties Performs a set of actions when fired The actions are performed only after the DML event is finisehd Used with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE sta...

Introduction to Triggers

What is a trigger? Special type of stored procedure Executed when an event occurs in the database server Types of Trigger(based on T-SQL commands) ...

Case Study EDA and Imputation

Data Imputation Divide by zero error when calculating Avg Fare/TripDistance EDA uncovers hundreds of TaxiRide trip records with Trip Distance = 0 Data Imputation meth...

Stored Procedures

What is a stored procedure? Routines that Accept input parameters Perform actinos (EXECUTE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and other SP statments) Return status ...

User Defined Functions

What are User Defined Functions (UDFs)? User Defined Functions (UDFs) are routines that can accept input parameters perform an action return result (single scalar...


Temporal EDA Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Process Iterative No specific checklist for EDA questions SQL function...

Transaction Isolation Levels

What is concurrency? Concurrency: two or more transactions that read/change shared data at the same time. Isolate our transaction from other transactions Transaction isolation...


Transactions What is a transaction? Transaction: one or more statements, all or none of the statements are executed. Example: Transfer $100 ...

Error Handling 2

Raise Error Raise Errors Statements RAISERROR THROW Microsoft suggests THROW RAISEERROR ( {msg_str | msg_id | @local_variable_message}, seve...

Error Handling 1

Datasets Products Table Buyers Table Staff Table Orders Table Getting an error CONSTRAINT unique_product_name UNIQUE(product_name); INSERT INTO products(product_name, sto...

Database Roles and Access Control

Granting and revoking access to a view GRANT privilege(s) or REVOKE privilege(s) ON object TO role or FROM role Privileges: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc. Obe...

Database Views

In a database, a view is the result set of a stored query on the data, which the database users can query just as they would in a persistent database collection object. Virtual table that is n...

Database Schemas

Star and Snowflake Schema Star Schema Dimensional modeling: star schema Fact tables Holds records of a metric Changes regularly Connects to dimensions via forei...


How should we organize and manage data? Schemas: How should my data be logically organized? Normalization: Should my data have minimal dependency and redundancy? View...

Aggregate Arithmetic Functions

COUNT() Returns the number of items found in a group. COUNT([ALL] expression) COUNT(DISTINCT expression) COUNT(*) Example: SELECT ...

Functions for Positions

Position Functions LEN() CHARINDEX() PATINDEX() LEN() Returns the number of characters of the provided string. Syntax: LEN...

Functions that return system date and time

Common mistakes when working with dates and time Inconsistent date time formats or patterns Arithmetic Operations Issues with time zones Time Zones in...

Data Types and Conversion

Categories of Data Types Exact numerics Approximate numerics Date and Time Character Strings Unicode Character Strings Binary Strings Other da...

Using Aggregation Functions Over Windows

Using Aggregation Functions Over Windows Ranking Functions ROW_NUMBER(): Unique, ascending integer value starting from 1. RANK(): Ascending integer value starting from 1. ...

Basic Aggregate Functions

Key Aggregation Functions Counts COUNT() COUNT_BIG() COUNT(DISTINCT) Other Aggregates SUM() ...

Basic Date From Parts

Dates from parts DATEFROMPARTS(year,month,day) TIMEFROMPARTS(hour, minute, second, fraction, precision) DATETIMEFROMPARTS(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds,ms) ...

Building Dates

Building Dates Building a Date SELECT GETDATE() AS DateTime_LTz, GETUTCDATE() AS DateTime_UTC; SELECT SYSDATETIME() AS DateTime2_LTz,...

Window Functions

Grouping data in T-SQL SELECT SalesPerson, SalesYear, CurrentQuota, ModifiedDate FROM SaleGoal WHERE SalesYear = 2011 ...


Using Variables in T-SQL Variables are needed to set values DECLARE @variablename data_type Must start with the character @ Vari...

Counts and Totals

Examining Totals with Counts SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Incidents The above sql statments returns the total number of rows in the Incidents table. Count w...

Intermediate To SQL Server

Exploring Data With Aggregation Reviewing summarized values for each column is a common first step in analyzing data If the data exists in a database, fastest way to aggreg...

Model 1:N relationships with foreign keys

Implementing relationships with Foreign Keys A Foreign Key (FK) points to the Primary key (PK) of another table. Domain of FK must be equal to the domain of PK Each v...

Keys and Superkeys

What is a Key? Attribute(s) that idenfity a record uniquely As long as attributes can be removed: superkey If no more attributes can be removed: minimal superky or ke...


Integrity Constraints Attribute Constraints, e.g data types on columns Key Constraints, e.g primary keys Referential Integrity Constraints, enforced through foreign k...

Relational Databases

Using information schema SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM information_schema.tables; Taking the look at the columns of a ...

CRUD Operations

CRUD OPERATION CREATE Databases, Tables or Views Users, prermissions and security groups READ Example: SELEC...

Joining Tables

PRIMARY KEYS: A primary key is used to ensure data in the specific column is unique. It is a column cannot have NULL values. It is either an existing table column or a column that is speci...

Aggregating Data

SUM It is used to calculate the total amount of a column. Example: SELECT SUM(affected_customers) AS total_affec...

Introduction to SQL Server

A SQL Server is a relational database system developed by Microsoft. And a Transact-SQL (T-SQL) is a Microsoft’s implemenataion of SQL butwith added functionality. Queries SELECT ...

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN / ConvNet)

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN/ ConvNet) A Convolutional Neural Network, also known as CNN or ConvNet, is a class of neural networks that specailizes in processing data that has a grid-like to...

Back Propagation

What is Backpropagation? Backpropagation is a supervised learning algorithm, for training Multi-layer Perceptrons (Artificial Neural Networks).It refers to the method of calculating the gradient o...

Artificial Neural Network (ANN / MLP)

To understand the concept of the architecture of an artificial neural network, we have to understand what a neural network consists of. In order to define a neural network that consists of a large ...