What are User Defined Functions (UDFs)?
User Defined Functions (UDFs) are routines that
- can accept input parameters
- perform an action
- return result (single scalar value or table)
Why use UDFs?
- it can reduce execution time
- it can reduce network traffix
- allow for modular programming
What is modular programming?
- Software design technique
- Separates functionality into independent, interchangeable modules
- Allows code reuse
- Improves code readability
Scalar UDF with no input parameter
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-- Scalar function with no input parameters CREATE FUNCTION GetTomorrow() RETURNS date AS BEGIN RETURN (SELECT DATEADD(day,1,GETDATE())) END
Scalar UDF with one parameter
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-- Scalar function with one parameter CREATE FUNCTION GetRideHrsOneDay(@DateParm date) RETURNS numeric AS BEGIN RETURN ( SELECT SUM( DATEDIFF(second, PickupDate, DropoffDate) )/360 FROM YellowTripData WHERE CONVERT (date, PickupDate) = @DatePar ) END;
Scalar UDF with two input parameters
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-- Scalar function with two input parameters CREATE FUNCTION GetRideHrsDateRange ( @StartDateParm datetime, @EndDateParm datetime ) RETURNS numeric AS BEGIN RETURN ( SELECT SUM( DATEDIFF(second, PickupDate, DropOffDate) )/ 3600 FROM YellowTripData WHERE PickupDate > @StartDateParm AND DropoffDate < @EndDateParm ) END;
Table Values UDFs
Inline Table Valued Functions (ITVF)
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CREATE FUNCTION SumLocationStats( @StartDate AS datetime = '1/1/2017' ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT PULocationID AS PickupLocation, COUNT(ID) AS RideCount, SUM(TripDistance) AS TotalTripDIstance FROM YellowTripData WHERE CAST(PickupDate AS Date) = @StartDate GROUP BY PULocationID;
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CREATE FUNCTION CountTripAvgFareDay ( @Month char(2), @Year char(4) ) RETURNS @TripCountAvgFare TABLE( DropOffDate date, TripCount int, AvgFare numeric ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO @TripCountAvgFare SELECT CAST(DropOffDate as date), COUNT(ID), AVG(FareAmount) as AvgFareAmt FROM YellowTripData WHERE DATEPART(month, DropOffDate) = @Month AND DATEPART(year, DropOffDate) = @Year GROUP BY CAST(DropOffDate as date) RETURN END;
Differences - ITVF vs. MSTVF
| Inline | Multi Statement | | RETURN results of SELECT | DECLARE table variable to be returned | | Table column name in SELECT | BEGIN END block required | | No table variable | INSERT data into table variable | | No BEGIN END needed | RETURN last statement with BEGIN/END block | | No INSERT | | | Faster performance | |
UDFs in action
Execute scalar with SELECT
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-- Select with no parameters SELECT dbo.GetTomorrow()
Execute scalar with EXEC & stoer result
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-- EXEC & store result in variable DECLARE @TotalRideHrs AS numeric EXEC @TotalRideHrs = dbo.GetRideHrsOneDay @DateParm = '1/15/2017' SELECT 'Total Ride Hours for 1/15/2017:', @TotalRideHrs
SELECT parameter value $ sccalar UDF
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-- Declare parameter variable -- Set to oldest date in YellowTripData -- Pass to function with select DECLARE @DateParm as date = (SELECT TOP 1 CONVERT(date, PickupDate) FROM YellowTripData ORDER BY PickupDate DESC) SELECT @DateParm, dbo.GetRideHrsOneDay (@DateParm)
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DECLARE @CountTripAvgFareDay TABLE( DropOffDate date, TripCount int, AvgFare numeric) INSERT INTO @CountTripAvgFareDay SELECT TOP 10 * FROM dbo.CountTripAvgFareDay (01, 2017) ORDER BY DropOffDate ASC SELECT * FROM @CountTripAvgFareDay
# Maintaining User Defined Functions
ALTER Function
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ALTER FUNCTION SumLocationStats (@EndDate as datetime = '1/01/2017') RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT PULocationID as PickupLocation, COUNT(ID) as RideCount, SUM(TripDistance) as TotalTripDistance FROM YellowTripData WHERE CAST(DropOffDate as Date) = @EndDate GROUP BY PULocationID;
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CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION SumLocationStats ( @EndDate AS datetime = '1/01/2017') RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT PULocationID as PickupLocation, COUNT(ID) AS RideCount, SUM(TripDistance) AS TotalTripDistance FROM YellowTripData WHERE CAST(DropOffDate AS Date) = @EndDate GROUP BY PULocationID;
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-- Delete function DROP FUNCTION dbo.CountTripAvgFareDay -- Create CountTripAvgFareDay as Inline TVF instead of MSTVF CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CountTripAvgFareDay( @Month char(2), @Year char(4) ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( SELECT CAST(DropOffDate as date) as DropOffDate, COUNT(ID) as TripCount, AVG(FareAmount) as AvgFareAmt FROM YellowTripData WHERE DATEPART(month, DropOffDate) = @Month AND DATEPART(year, DropOffDate) = @Year GROUP BY CAST(DropOffDate as date));
Determinism improves performance
- A function is deterministic when it returns the same result given
- the same input parameters
- the same database state
- A function is deterministic when it returns the same result given
- Specifies the schema is bound to the database objects that it references
- Prevents changes to the schema if schema bound objects are referencing it